Whales whales whales

It’s been hard to ride my bike continuously along the coastal trail these past few days. Every few feet I am stopped in my tracks by a breaching whale or pair or three! I have begun to observe how the birds show us where the next whale will breach. And I love seeing pairs breach in unison!

Plus, have you ever heard a whale honk?

Whales remembered from Quarry Park view point

Message at Martin’s Beach

Fourth of July was a full day for me, starting with milking the goats at Vida Verde Education. On my way back, since I was with my partner who had never been to Martin’s Beach, we decided to stop and check it out. We were the first ones to walk the beach that morning.

But we were not the first to see the message placed on the bluff top like the “Hollywood” sign. I wonder who the lucky couple was.

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On site – before adding in the color of sky.


At home, after adding sky.
At home, after adding sky.

Martins Beach July 4-1-2 Martins Beach July 4-1